I would like to start by thanking our clients for their patience during this difficult time, and we appreciate your respect of our new protocols. These steps ensure that we can remain open for you, and will help keep everyone safe.
Please note the following updates to our COVID-19 clinic protocols. We have new signage posted on the clinic doors. Please take the time to read it prior to entering the clinic. The important stuff is listed below!
The clinic remains OPEN for normal business hours during the COVID-19 pandemic.
**Our WAITING ROOM is now CLOSED to walk-in traffic**
-If you arrive for an appointment, please stay in your car and call us at 306-244-1010 to await further instruction.
-If you are picking up food or medication, please come in if the waiting area is empty, or call us at 306-244-1010. We can arrange payment over the phone and then can run your food/medication out to you.
We are not taking any walk-in appointments at this time.
We are happy to do credit card payments over the phone to decrease your exposure in the clinic. We can also do an e-transfer if you do not have a credit card.
**IF YOU ARE SELF-ISOLATING, HAVE A COUGH, OR YOU DO NOT FEEL WELL – We ask that you DO NOT ENTER the clinic** Please follow all current Saskatchewan Public Health Guidelines.
We are taking limited bookings for routine appointments and annual visits, as well as limited spay/neuter or other elective procedures. Please call us for availability. As always, we are available as an essential service for any concerns you may have with your pet – please call ahead for further instruction and the most up-to-date changes to our protocols.
Stay healthy, stay safe!
Dr. Anique